Monday, December 8, 2014


So--I started this blogging thing a while ago & never kept up with it. Why start a new one then? Because I figure, I cook about 95% of the time, so why not share my findings with others. I am by no means a chef or what people call a "home cook" because I don't come up with my own recipes or create things with what I have on had. I love crock pot meals, I mean how great is that invention? You throw a whole bunch of stuff in one pot set a timer & when you come home your house smells great & you have a great meal that you didn't have to slave over.

I love to cook and my husband is my best critic. He'll let me know, next time add more salt or spice, or waaayyyy to much of this or that. Sometimes if he says it's too spicy, I'll tone it down, but I love spice...hey, I'm from Texas and grew up eating hot sauce & jalapenos on almost everything. My husband is also from Texas, but just can't handle the heat. :)

I have been getting a lot of recipes from Pinterest and I have heard many people say that they have had Pinterest recipes fail or weren't that good. There has been a few things that haven't turned out great, but for the most part I've been lucky.

I hope you enjoy this new adventure & hopefully I'll remember to post a lot more often on here than on my other site.  I just have to remember to take pictures before we devour the food. Also, if you want me to try any recipes from Pinterest, send them to me or comment below for ideas. I'm not a big fish eater, so if you post a recipe about salmon, haddock, tuna, etc. I'll probably substitute the fish with chicken.

**DISCLAIMER: If I use a recipe from Pinterest or another blog, I will reference back to the link I used. This may not be the original owner of the recipe, but I'm not doing that much research to trace back the owner. I know that many bloggers want the credit, and I'll give credit where it's due. I'm not a detective nor do I have time to do that much research.**

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